Roberts 1910s
The Bertillon system
Roberts 1910s
"El sistema de Bertillon" es el sistema con el que se creaba las fichas policiales de los acusados por delitos a primeros de siglo XX. Este sistema tenia en cuenta diferentes medidas de ls faciones de los detenidos en fotografias de frente y de perfil. El sistema de el estudio por las medidas de frentes y tamaños de cabeza quedó obsoleto pero la identificacion por instantanes de frente y perfil sigue siendo una de las formas de reconocimiento de los sospechosos en la actualidad, junto a las huellas dactilares.
Esta serie de fotografias estan realizadas en las comisarias de Sydney, Australia entre el 1912 y 1930.
La curiosidad de estas fotografias policiales es la pulcritud de los detenidos ante la camara. Resulta chocante para nuestros dias ver las imagenes y sin saber que son pertenecientes a las fichas policiales de hace un siglo.
"The Bertillon system" is the system that was created with the police records of the crimes charged in early twentieth century. This system took into account different measures ls faciones of detainees in photographs of the front and side. The system measures the study of fronts and head sizes became obsolete but Instantanés identification front and profile is still one of the forms of recognition of the suspects at present, along with fingerprints.
This series of photographs are police stations in Sydney, Australia between 1912 and 1930.
The curiosity of these photographs is neatness police of detainees before the camera. It is shocking to see the images present day and are unaware that police records belonging to a century ago.
Esta serie de fotografias estan realizadas en las comisarias de Sydney, Australia entre el 1912 y 1930.
La curiosidad de estas fotografias policiales es la pulcritud de los detenidos ante la camara. Resulta chocante para nuestros dias ver las imagenes y sin saber que son pertenecientes a las fichas policiales de hace un siglo.
"The Bertillon system" is the system that was created with the police records of the crimes charged in early twentieth century. This system took into account different measures ls faciones of detainees in photographs of the front and side. The system measures the study of fronts and head sizes became obsolete but Instantanés identification front and profile is still one of the forms of recognition of the suspects at present, along with fingerprints.
This series of photographs are police stations in Sydney, Australia between 1912 and 1930.
The curiosity of these photographs is neatness police of detainees before the camera. It is shocking to see the images present day and are unaware that police records belonging to a century ago.
Patrick Riley 1924
Falsificador - Counterfeiter
Alfred Fitch 1924
Ladron de coches - Car thief
Harris Hunter, Central cells, 1924
Receptor de bienes robados - Receiver of stolen goods
Lou Sterling, 1921
Sonriente y gradable fotografia de el pistolero - Smiling and gradable photograph of the gunman
Riley, Whittaker, Lewins, 1921
Ladrones de almacen - Thieves stock
Thomas Bede 1928
La ficha informa de que este detenido se negó a abrir los ojos en el posado fotografico. Para las instantaneas, se especula que podian posasr en la forma que mas comoda les resultase. Al menos, es la impresion que dan las fotografias.
The tab reports that the detainee refused to open his eyes in the photographic sitting. For snapshots, it is speculated that they could posasr in the most comfortable way to prove to them. At least that's the impression given by the photographs.
Frank Murray 1929
Fotografia con policia dentro del angulo de vision - Photographs with police within the viewing angle
C Anderson 1922
Esta fotografia muestra al detenido fotografiado con las celdas tras él y un preso asomando su cabeza desde la celda
This photograph shows the arrested cells photographed with a prisoner behind him and poking her head from cell
Alfred Ladewig, 1921
Timador - Hustler
Falsificador - Counterfeiter
Alfred Fitch 1924
Ladron de coches - Car thief
Harris Hunter, Central cells, 1924
Receptor de bienes robados - Receiver of stolen goods
Lou Sterling, 1921
Sonriente y gradable fotografia de el pistolero - Smiling and gradable photograph of the gunman
Riley, Whittaker, Lewins, 1921
Ladrones de almacen - Thieves stock
Thomas Bede 1928
La ficha informa de que este detenido se negó a abrir los ojos en el posado fotografico. Para las instantaneas, se especula que podian posasr en la forma que mas comoda les resultase. Al menos, es la impresion que dan las fotografias.
The tab reports that the detainee refused to open his eyes in the photographic sitting. For snapshots, it is speculated that they could posasr in the most comfortable way to prove to them. At least that's the impression given by the photographs.
Frank Murray 1929
Fotografia con policia dentro del angulo de vision - Photographs with police within the viewing angle
C Anderson 1922
Esta fotografia muestra al detenido fotografiado con las celdas tras él y un preso asomando su cabeza desde la celda
This photograph shows the arrested cells photographed with a prisoner behind him and poking her head from cell
Alfred Ladewig, 1921
Timador - Hustler