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23 de mayo de 2019


Colour by photochrome print

1890s Harbor, Donostia-San Sebastián, Euskadi

 1890s Kale Nagusi, Hondarribia, Euskadi

1890s Principal gate, Hondarribia, Euskadi

1890s Biarritz, Euskadi

1890s Old castle, Bayonne, Euskadi

1890s Sevigne gate, Bordeaux, France

1890s The round fountain, Aix en Provence, France

1890s Rue de la Republic, Marseille

1890s Hotel Beaurivage, Geneva Lake. Switzerland

 1890s Lausanne, general view, Switzerland

 1890s Martigny and Forclay Pass, Valais, Switzerland

 1890s Monument of Emmanuel Fillibert, Turin. Italy

1890s Via Guioco della Palla, San Remo, Italy 

 1890s Narrow streets, Naples, Italy

 1890s The Piazzetta, Venice, Italy

1890s of Via Roma, Naples, Italy

1890s Piccadilly Circus, London, England

1890s Kings College, Cambridge, England

 1890s Trafalgar Square and National Gallery.  London, England

 1890s The beach, Portobello, Scotland

 1890s Laxey, the Wheel, Isle of Man, England

 1890s Whitehouse office building, Rotterdam, Holland

 1890s The Steiger canal, Rotterdam, Holland

1890s The chalets. Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

1890s Kara-Kevi Galata bridge, Constantinople, Turkey

1890s The Virgins Rock, Biarritz, Euskadi

1890s Unter den Linden. Berlin, Germany

1899 Negroes playing chess, Algiers, Algeria

 1899 Souc-el-Trouk, Tunis, Tunisia

16 de mayo de 2019

Andrew J. Russell

Andrew J. Russel

Bridge on Orange & Alexandria, Virginia Railroad, as repaired by army engineers under Colonel Herman Haupt 1865 by Andrew J Russell

Andrew J. Russell

Pintor y fotografo oficial de la Union pacific railway

Painter and official photographer of the Union Pacific Railway

Andrew J. Russell 

Engine "Government"  down the banks near Brandy, April 1864 by Andrew J. Russell 

9 de mayo de 2019

Alexander Gardner

Alexander Gardner

Bodies of Confederate dead gathered for burial after the Battle of Antietam, September 1862 by AlexandeGardner

Alexander Gardner
1821 - 1882

Fotografo, editor y artesano de joyas nacido en Escocia, se formó trabajando para Mathew Brady antes de establecerse por su cuenta.
Es famoso por ser el fotografo que tomo la ultima foto a el presidente Lincoln y ser el fotografo oficial para los conspiradores de el asesinato y de su ejecucion.

Photographer, editor and jewelry craftsman born in Scotland, working for Mathew Brady formed before settling on their own.
It is famous for being the photographer who took the last photo to President Lincoln and be the official photographer for the assassination conspirators and their execution.
Alexander Gardner 1860

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 1863 by Gardner, Alexander

Lewis Powel. Acusado de conspiracion al asesinato de Lincoln 1865

2 de mayo de 2019

Mathew Brady

Mathew Brady

Lacross Ball Team. 1860s by Mathew Brady

Mathew Brady

Fotografo americano que se especializo fotografiando la realidad y muertes de la guerra de secesion americana y que murio en depresion y alcoholizado en la ruina economica

American photographer who specializes shooting deaths of reality and the American Civil War and died in drunk depression and financial ruin

Mathew Brady 1875

Humboldt. 1860s by Mathew Brady