Sunbaker (Model Harold Salvage) 1937
Max Dupain
Max Dupain, self portrait, with saucepans, Bond Street Studio 1930s
Maxwell Spencer Dupain
1911 - 1992
Fotografo modernista australiano que gano su popularidad al fotografiar a un amigo llamado Harold Savage en la playa australiana de Cullburra Beach, convirtiendose en la mas famosa de sus fotografias. Su fama internacional nace a partir de 1976 cuando la National Gallery of Australia en Camberra compra su coleccion fotografica y la convierte en imagen nacional australiana como fotografo.
Fotografo comercial, tras la guerra decidio realizar un estilo fotografico mas cercano y fiel a la realidad y escapar de lo que denominaba "La mentira cosmética de la fotografía de moda o de las publicidades", a pesar de que retomaria la fotografia publicitaria en la decada de los 50 a consecuencia de un nuevo consumismo que impulsaba a las empresas a crear imagen en sus productos. En la misma decada, comenzo con una de sus grandes pasiones y que realizaria en los siguientes 30 años, La fotografia arquitectonica.
En 1939 se caso con la tambien fotografa Olive Cotton, de la que se divorciaria poco tiempo despues.
Photograph of Max Dupain and friend, Glasscock, 1929
Australian modernist photographer who won his popularity by photographing a friend named Harold Savage Beach Cullburra Australian Beach, becoming the most famous of his photographs. His international fame comes from 1976 when the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra and purchase your photographic collection makes Australian national image as a photographer.
Commercial photographer, after the war decided to make a photographic style and faithful closer to reality and escape what he called "Lying cosmetic or fashion photography for advertising," although the picture would resume advertising in the decade of 50 as a result of a new consumerism that drove companies to create image products. In the same decade, started with one of his great passions and take place in the next 30 years, architectural photography.
In 1939 he married with the photographer Olive Cotton, which would divorce soon after.
Commercial photographer, after the war decided to make a photographic style and faithful closer to reality and escape what he called "Lying cosmetic or fashion photography for advertising," although the picture would resume advertising in the decade of 50 as a result of a new consumerism that drove companies to create image products. In the same decade, started with one of his great passions and take place in the next 30 years, architectural photography.
In 1939 he married with the photographer Olive Cotton, which would divorce soon after.
Solarized orchid 1930s
Max Dupain with George Hoyningen-Huene, c 1930s
Portrait of a boy in sunlight 1936
Max Dupain After Surfing by Olive Cotton 1937
Self portrait, 1938
Max Dupain 1939
Souvenir at Bungan Beach 1940
Icecream at Townsville 1943
Morning mist, Sydney Harbour Bridge 1950s
At Newport 1952
Nautilus shell 1954
North Sydney towards Luna Park 1956
Sydney Opera House under construction 1962
Opera House by moonlight 1969
Monstera deliciosa 1970
Stair rail 1975
Souvenir of the Entrance 1976
Stockyards, North Queensland 1980
Magnolia 1982
Waratahs and the moon 1983